Insectes / Insects
Insetos / Insectos

Cafard / Cockroach
Marc Kirshenbaum

Guêpe / Wasp
A. Voyer

Flying Hercules Giant Beetle
Kamiya Satoshi

Chocolate Covered Ant
Jeremy Shafer

Eupatorus Gracilicornus
R. J. Lang

Flying Samurai Helmet Beetle
R. J. Lang


Découvrez d'autres insectes sur la page de Lionel Albertino.
See other insects in Albertino's gallery.

Autres modèles dans "Origami Insects and their Kin" de R. J. Lang
Other models in "Origami Insects and their Kin" in Lang 's gallery

__Modèles classés par Auteurs / Thèmes / Livres__
__Models classified by Authors / Themes / Books__
__Modelos classificados por Autores / Temas / Livros__
__Modelos classificados por Autores / Temas / Libros __